The Kitchen Scholar explores the world of food and cooking beyond the levels of nourishment and sensory pleasure by intersecting with different stories that range from personal narratives to third-party perspectives in different academic fields and by promoting the legacy of culinary traditions and cookbook authors.





13 Guajillo chile peppers

3 tablespoons/39 grams rendered chicken fat

6 large chicken pieces with skin still attached

1 1/2 cups/180 grams raw redskin peanuts

1 unpeeled garlic clove

4 cups/960 mL water

1 teaspoon/3 grams chopped garlic

1/4 teaspoon/0.5 grams cumin seeds

Salt to taste

Specific Equipment

Sharp knife


Fine-mesh strainer

Large nonstick skillet OR sauté pan

Slotted spoon

Food processor OR blender

Wooden spoon

Serves 6


1. Cut and discard the stems, if any, from each chile. Slit each chile open with a sharp knife and remove their seeds and veins. Soak the chiles in a bowl of hot water for 20 minutes. Drain the chiles through a fine-mesh strainer and set aside.

2. Heat the rendered chicken fat in a large nonstick skillet or sauté pan over medium heat. Sauté in the chicken pieces, three at a time so they only comprise one layer and keep from touching one another in the skillet or sauté pan, for 10 minutes, turning them around every two minutes, or until the chicken pieces have turned deeply golden. Remove the chicken pieces from the skillet or sauté pan with a slotted spoon and set aside.

3. Sauté in the peanuts and unpeeled garlic clove on the same nonstick skillet or sauté pan for 5 minutes, shaking the skillet or sauté pan occasionally, or until the peanuts and garlic are evenly toasted. Remove the garlic and peanuts from the skillet or sauté pan and set aside.

4. Combine the drained chiles and 1 cup/240 mL water in a food processor or blender and purée for 2 to 3 minutes or until smooth and well-blended.

5. Scrape the chile purée into the nonstick skillet or sauté pan through the fine-mesh strainer, extracting as much chile juice as possible from the debris of the chile skins. Fry the chile purée for 5 minutes, scraping the bottom with a wooden spoon to prevent sticking, or until the purée has slightly thickened. Remove ftom heat and ser aside.

6. Combine chopped garlic, cumin seeds, and 1/2 cup/120 mL water in a food processor or blender and purée for 1 to 2 minutes or until smooth and well-blended. Add the toasted garlic and peanuts and 1/2 cup/120 mL water into the food processor or blender and purée for 2 to 3 minutes, pouring in more water, if necessary, or until the mixture has turned into a fine and smooth paste.

7. Stir the peanut and garlic paste with the chile purée in the nonstick skillet or sauté pan and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat or until the sauce has slightly thickened.

8. Return the chicken pieces into the nonstick skillet or sauté pan and season generously with salt to taste. Pour in 2 cups/480 mL water and bring to a simmer over low heat. Braise for 20 minutes, scraping the bottom with a wooden spoon to prevent the chicken from sticking, or until the chicken pieces are tender, the peanut sauce has turned brick-red in color and has thickened enough to lightly coat the back of the wooden spoon, and pools of oil begin to float on the surface of the sauce.

9. Remove the nonstick skillet or sauté pan from heat. Spoon the peanut sauce over individual dining plates and place a piece of chicken over the sauce.