Taxonomists attributed the common pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, to the Phasis River and the Kingdom of Colchis, which are ancient Greek and Latin names of the Rion River and present-day western Georgia, respectively. In regard to the wild birds roaming in their natural habitat on the Caucasian foothills, the Georgian word for pheasant, khokhobi, became the etymological root and culinary inspiration for Chakhokhbili, an herbaceous stew of braised poultry and vegetables. Any livestock bird will suffice for a modern and more accessible Chakhokhbili wherein larger avians such as ducks capture the strong gamey essence of the pheasant at the benefit of yielding a more abundant overall serving. The only vestigial feature from tradition is the omission of any external source of liquid throughout the entire cooking duration, completely relying on the duck pieces to slowly braise in their own drippings and the innate juices exuded by the vegetables and fresh herbs instead. A final aromatic enrichment of ground walnuts and marigold petals is an option, but thickening the stewing concentrate into a subtle and earthy sauce deeply highlights the provincial cuisine of Imereti and its capital, Kutaisi.
1 whole duck, such as Muscovy or Pekin, weighing 5 pounds/2.3 kilograms and cut into 12 pieces
8 to 12 ounces/250 to 350 grams chopped onions
2 pounds/900 grams chopped tomatoes
1 cup/120 grams shelled walnuts, ground
1 tablespoon/8 grams cornmeal
1 tablespoon/8 grams flour
2 large garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon/1 gram ground coriander seed
1/2 teaspoon/1 gram ground marigold
1/2 teaspoon/3 grams salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup/30 grams finely chopped cilantro
2 tablespoons/30 mL red wine vinegar
Specific Equipment
Ovenproof casserole equipped with a cover
Large spoon
1 small mixing bowl
1 large bowl
Serves 6 to 8
1. Preheat oven to 350°F/175°C.
2. Place duck pieces in an ovenproof casserole. Cover the casserole and braise the duck inside the oven for 1 hour. Remove the casserole from the oven and spoon out all the accumulated fat.
3. Layer the chopped onions over the duck pieces. Cover and return the casserole to the oven. Braise for another 30 minutes.
4. Remove the casserole from the oven and layer the chopped tomatoes over. Braise the duck and the vegetables inside the oven again, covered, for 30 minutes.
5. Combine walnuts, cornmeal, flour, garlic cloves, coriander seed, marigold, salt, black pepper, cilantro, and red wine vinegar in a small mixing bowl until well-blended.
6. Remove casserole from the oven and set the duck and vegetables aside in a large bowl. Stir the accumulated braising liquid into the nut mixture to make a sauce.
7. Return the duck pieces and vegetables to the casserole. Pour the sauce over and mix until all duck pieces are completely covered.
8. Place the casserole, uncovered, back in the oven and bake the duck pieces for 10 minutes. Serve, if desired. Chakhokhkbili tastes better when reheated at 350°F/175°C for 30 to 45 minutes on the following day.